Step 3: After the claim is filed

If you have filed a CA-1 or CA-2 form, but have not lost time from work, it is your responsibility to provide the Department of Labor (DOL), Occupational Medical Services (OMS) as well as your office with any updated medical documentation pertaining to your injury.  Please take outside medical documentation directly to OMS.  You can request a supervisor copy of the OMS blue slip to bring to your office to ensure your supervisor is aware of any restrictions you may have. Please contact the NIH Workers’ Compensation Program at (301) 402-2669 if you do not know the status of your claim.

If you have filed a CA-1 and lost time from work, you may be eligible for a special leave category, Continuation of Pay (COP). If your COP entitlement has been exhausted and you are still disabled from returning to work, please contact the NIH Workers’ Compensation Program to further discuss the options available to you.

If you have filed a CA-2 and have lost time from work, you are NOT eligible for the special leave category, Continuation of Pay. Please contact the NIH Workers’ Compensation Program to further discuss the options available to you.

Claimant Query System (CQS): You can view your case and compensation claim status, billing updates (including reimbursements), coverage limitations, and other information online at the Web Bill Processing Portal.